Wednesday, November 7, 2007

This semester

As of now I don't know what my grade is in this class but I think that I've been doing pretty good. English is probably my best subject and my favorite too because writing usually comes easily for me and most of the time I enjoy it. I'm glad I took this class because I've learned a lot but at the same time I still had fun. And I love that we don't have tests! As for my other classes, I'm not so sure how I'm doing. I know my first year experience class is going good but it's a really easy class so it's almost impossible to do bad. My urban studies class isn't too bad either. At first I didn't do the best on tests buts that's because I didn't take good enough notes. But I've caught on and I think I'm doing pretty good in that class also. Then there's sociology and ethnic studies which to me are the hardest classes and probably the ones I'm doing the worst in. That's because theres so much note taking and so much that we have to know for the unit tests, and the tests are really hard because they are based on so much information. Overall I think I'm doing ok. I need a 2.8 Gpa this semester to be able to start taking classes that involve my major in social work and I'm a little nervous that I won't make it, but I'm just going to work extra hard from now on to do my best because I will not let myself fail.

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