Monday, September 10, 2007

"Shift Happens"

I thought the slide show, "shift happens" was pretty interesting but a little confusing also. It seemed like the information went from one subject and switched to a totally different topic out of nowhere. But the part I found really interesting is all the information about China and India compared to the United States. Like how much larger their population is according to how many babies are born, how many students the schools hold and everything else. It was also neat to hear about how the world is preparing us to take on jobs that havnt been made yet, and to solve problems in the world that havnt even been made a problem yet. I like how the slideshow talks a lot about the information age and how websites and other things on computors are such big parts of our lives. It was funny to see the stuff about myspace and how if it was made a country, it would be the 11th largest in the world. The main thing I learned from this video though was that the world is a lot more informational now than it was years ago, and that we'll just keep learning more and more as time goes by.

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